Monday, April 15, 2013

Conferenci​a General!!! What a weekend... - email from April 8, 2013

Well, I hope that all of you, like me, were able to see Conference! It
truly is an amazing blessing to be halfway around the world and be
able to see Salt Lake City, with it`s amazing gardens and cloudy sky.
Even more amazing is being able to see a modern day, living prophet of
God. Do we even know how big of a blessing it is to have a prophet of
God today?? I am so grateful for him and for all of the general

Conference really taught me a lot. I always go into conference with
very deep, personal questions and God ALWAYS answers me. This
conference I had two talks that literally answered my questions
DIRECTLY. It really made me feel that I am a son of God and that He
really is looking out for me. I hope that you all had a similar

This week was really interesting, and VERY busy. We had Zone
Conference, our meeting with Stake President, Interviews with
President Rowley, and General Conference! With all of that going on,
it was pretty hard to really have a lot of time to go out tracting or
anything. However, we were able to have some great moments together,
Elder Chinchay and I.

On Tuesday in Zone council, we talked about `Going back to the
basics.` It made me think a lot about how I was when I began my
mission...young! I had so much energy it was almost too much! I wanted
to talk to everyone all at once, and tell them about this message. I
also had a very strong desire to be 100 percent obedient. My studies
were super sacred to me because I knew that I had to learn so much in
order to help people and be able to touch their hearts with this

We talked a lot about that, and I really feel like now is the time.
Now is the time to go back to the basics and really make these last 6
months the best in my entire mission. I have more responsabilities
now. I really truly have an effect in the 18 elders and sisters in my
zone. They look up to me in a lot of ways and I need to be humble
enough to acknowledge my faults and change.

I thank God every day for blessing me with humility. I really don`t
say that to boast, but I have felt that here in my mission. Leadership
positions don`t make me feel proud, they just mean more opportunities
to serve. My time doesn`t mean anything to me either, a new missionary
can teach just as well or better than me. I believe that humility is a
key to success. It`s a key to progression. If someone can be humble
and recognize that with God`s help we can overcome our weaknesses,
they will go very far in life.

I am going to become better. I remember that a couple friends
commented earlier in my mission that I had changed drastically. Well,
it`s true! The first couple of months were a huge life changer for me.
Now, the last couple of months will become that. I am going to give it
my all.

Well, that was one of the things we talked about in Zone Council...the
other was missionary work with members!!! Can I just say...we ALL have
the responsability! Just recently I realized that I haven`t been doing
the best job in helping members do missionary work. President is
really pushing that now, and we are as well in our zone. If our ward
isn`t strong, then investigators won`t want to come to church!
However, a strong ward will be able to have a huge effect in the
neighborhood. There is a spirit present with every single member, and
the nonmembers can feel that. We just have to help them open up their
mouths and really start helping other people.

This week we have seen some great progress in investigators. Manuel is
pretty much completely ready for his baptism! He should be baptised
this Saturday, and a member will be doing the ordinance! I`m super
excited for him. He was sick this weekend, so he could only go to one
of the general conference sessions, but he seemed to like it.

We had another investigator go to the Priesthood session! I was a bit
worried because it was a ton of deep doctrine...but it turned out
great! I think that liked it, and I hope that he continues to
progress. We were teaching him about a month ago, but he had to go to
his farm about an hour or two away. Now he`s back, and I`m pretty sure
we`re going to be able to teach him and his parents. We`ll see what

Well, I hope that you all know that I love you! Take care of
yourselves! Six more months! Hard to believe it`s that close...

Don`t use that as an excuse to not write. ;) I miss mail! :( Haha,
it`s funny how much a real letter can mean...I promise to be better
about sending letters to missionaries after the mission. :)

Love you all!!
Elder Schofield

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