Monday, April 15, 2013

The week that just flew by - email from March 5, 2013

Is it already Monday? Honestly, this week has gone by so fast I don´t even know what has happened. A lot of mixed emotions going on right now, and I don´t even know where to begin this letter! So much has happened, yet at the same time...not a lot! Haha, I guess that´s what happens when I never really have a chance to look back on what´s happened during the day or long has it been since I wrote in my journal...(don´t tell mom!)

This week has been a learning experience for me. Elder Iribar, Assistent to the President, told us this week that we needed to make a change in the mission: Having daily contact with EVERY investigator we have. When I heard him say that over the phone, I knew it was right because that´s what it says in PMG, but I also knew that it would be a big challenge.

This week we have worked hard to have contact with our investigators every day. That has meant that we have been running between appointments trying to catch our investigators. However, I can say that it is helping.

This last week we have had MULTIPLE investigators reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. :) It´s truly the first time in my mission that I have had so many investigators that are truly making progress in that way. Many of them are noticing a big difference too, and have even told us that they don´t know why, but they have a lot of desire to come to church! This Sunday we had 3 people there, so we still need to help them come, but I still feel like this is a great change.

One of our investigators, Rosa, has accepted a baptismal date for the 24th of this month! I´m confident that she will follow through with that. About 3 months ago, her mother and niece were baptised. She´s seen a huge change in them and wants that change for her family. She accepted the baptismal date with more confidence than I´ve ever seen in the mission! We´re also teaching her husband and daughter, and have a lot of hopes for them! Rosa and Waldemir, her husband, came to church this Sunday! Haha, it was kind of funny because they got there just as the deacons finished passing the bread...and they forgot to close one of the doors, right in the front! So, Rosa and Waldemir came in, in front of everyone, in the middle of the Sacrament! It was kind of awkward...but I was glad to see them there. :) Waldemir was super impressed and told us that he will be there next Sunday as well.

We also had a huge blessing this week with a reference from a member! Santiago Calle is 16 years old, but has helped us out a lot! This week he told us he has a friend that wants to go to church! On Saturday we had a lesson with him that just went AMAZING! We taught about prophets, the priesthood, the church of Jesus Christ, and baptism! He understood it ALL! He even understood Apostasy, which is SUPER hard to help people understand here! I was very excited. Then he came on Sunday and had the opportunity to witness a baptism! He was joking a bit about falling back into the water in his own baptism...but at least he´s thinking about being baptised!

The other amazing thing this week was my first baptismal interview. :) I was a tiny bit nervous but honestly, I felt prepared. It´s not that huge of a thing. I knew the spirit would be there.

The one weird thing is being in a room alone with a 17 year old was always in my mind that my companion and some other guy needed to come in the room with me, like the rules are outside of baptismal interviews, but it was fine. :) Jenny was SUPER ready for her baptism. When she came in, I just asked her how she felt about everything. She said she was nervous, which is normal, but super excited. I asked her about her testimony of the Book of Mormon and that was the key...she had gotten an answer. :) She even made a comment about how the catholic church doesn´t have the Book of Mormon, and that´s something that it was lacking. Halelujah! I, like Jenny, could NEVER go to another church because I have simply fallen in love with the Book of Mormon...I don´t know how any member of our church could possibly begin going to another church because of that...

Which brings up another topic! Aparrently a story has gotten out about a Mormon who became a Jehovah´s Witness here. The JW´s are going around passing out their monthly newsletter with this story in there and so we´ve gotten quite a few questions, even from members. makes me sad, but I know one thing: this man did NOT put Moroni´s promise to the test, and if he did he is rejecting the answer he got from God. I want to bear my testimony that NO ONE can read and pray about the Book of Mormon without receiving an answer, that is if they do it with faith. I also want to bear my testimony that any member of the church that chooses to follow away is NOT reading the Book of Mormon on a daily basis. Here in Peru, some members get defensive when we tell them to read the Book of Mormon every day instead of just the Bible. Listen: the Bible is NOT PERFECT. There are errors. However, I bear witness that the Book of Mormon is pure doctrine from Christ, and will never lead us astray. Anyone within the sound of my voice can put it to the test. Read for 10 minutes every day, and you will notice a big difference in your life. Read for 30 minutes a day looking for personal revelation and you will find that God is directing your every step.

I know that this is true. 1 hour is simply not enough time for me to study the scriptures could I have possibly gone through middle school and high school without putting as much time into it??

Well...I hope you all know that I love you! I´ll try to get some pics in now...Love you tons!!!

Elder Schofield
El misionero mas alto de la Misión Perú Piura. ;)
The picture with Elder Uceda!!! I´m kinda tall here....don´t ya think?

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